What’s Blocking Your Weight Loss success?

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If your over-50 body seems to have a mind (and a belly) of its own, we hear you!

As we age, women can face a tangle of physical and mental issues that make it harder than ever to achieve a healthy weight. And after years of yo-yo dieting, it can feel all but impossible to break out of our well-worn habits and find new ways of eating and behaving that actually work.
stephanie goodman and jane schwartz

The good news is that there’s plenty you can do once you know what’s getting in your way.

Our quiz will show you what hidden areas of your life may be sabotaging your efforts — from the changing realities of aging, to habits and mindsets that are ripe for rethinking.
You don’t have to give up on losing weight even if you’ve been trying your whole life. Let’s find your blocks, so you can learn new ways of eating in your 50’s, 60’s, and 70’s, move past your weight loss struggle, and enjoy this exciting chapter of your life.