Blueberry Almond Salad

Bring on the blueberries!

Blueberries are not only popular, but also repeatedly ranked in the U.S. diet as having one of the highest antioxidant capacities among all fruits, vegetables, spices and seasonings. These antioxidants include many different types of anthocyanins, the colorful pigments that give many foods their wonderful shades of blue, purple, and red. And as a positive side note, blueberries can be frozen without doing any damage to their antioxidant function.

These gorgeous blue gems are also rich in

If you can find organic blueberries on sale, go for it. Organically grown blueberries have been shown to have significantly higher concentrations of antioxidants than conventionally grown blueberries. But don’t let that stop you from buying non-organic blueberries, which are now considered NOT part of the dirty dozen (phew)!

After many years of research on blueberry antioxidants and their potential benefits for the nervous system and for brain health, there is exciting new evidence that blueberries may improve memory, as well as assist in slowing down or postponing the onset of other cognitive problems frequently associated with aging.



Here is a great way to use up summer blueberries other than tossing them in smoothies, mixing into our homemade granola, or eating frozen (makes a great quick sweet snack)!

stephanie goodman and jane schwartz


Jane and Stephanie, creators of The Simply Nourished Solution™, are nutritionists who help women over 50 go from overweight, frustrated, and inflamed to lighter and healthier so they can be more active, feel good in their bodies, and live the second half of life with energy and confidence. Their 3-pronged approach, which can fit into any lifestyle, encompasses not only wholesome energizing foods but powerful habit and mindset shifts.


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You can still lose weight after 50 - even if you’ve been trying your whole life! Find out what’s standing between you and the healthy weight, energy and freedom you’re looking for.

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Supported weight loss for women over 50

If you’re struggling to nourish yourself after menopause, our Simply Nourished Solution™ Signature Weight Loss Program offers the tools, strategies and shifts you need to stop yo-yo dieting, permanently lose weight, and feel better than ever in your 50’s, 60’s and beyond.